50 Lesson luyện nghe tiếng anh căn bản - Phần 1

luyện nghe tiếng anh căn bản
Dưới đây là 100 Lesson luyên nghe tiếng anh căn bản mà bạn thường gặp trong cuộc sống hằng ngày rất phù hợp cho các bạn mới bắt đầu học tiếng anh. Bài viết sẽ chia sẻ cho bạn nội dung phần 1phần 2
  •  Lesson 1: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?
  • Hello.
  • Hi.
  • How are you?
  • I'm good. How are you?
  • Good. Do you speak English?
  • A little. Are you American?
  • Yes.
  • Where are you from?
  • I'm from California.
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Nice to meet you too.
  •  Lesson 2: DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?
  • Excuse me, are you American?
  • No.
  • Do you speak English?
  • A little, but not very well.
  • How long have you been here?
  • 2 months.
  • What do you do for work?
  • I'm a student. How about you?
  • I'm a student too.
  •  Lesson 3: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?
  • Excuse me, what's your name?
  • My name is Jessica. What's yours?
  • John.
  • You speak English very well.
  • Thank you.
  • Do you know what time it is?
  • Sure. It's 5:10PM.
  • What did you say?
  • I said it's 5:10PM.
  • Thanks.
  • You're welcome.
  • Hi Michael.
  • Hi Amy. What's up?
  • I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there?
  • No, sorry. I don't know.
  • I think I can take the subway to the airport. Do you know where the subway is?
  • Sure, it's over there.
  • Where? I don't see it.
  • Across the street.
  • Oh, I see it now. Thanks.
  • No problem.
  • Do you know if there's a restroom around here?
  • Yes, there's one here. It's in the store.
  • Thank you.
  • Bye.
  • Bye bye.
  •  Lesson 5: I’M HUNGRY
  • Hi Sarah, how are you?
  • Fine, how are you doing?
  • OK.
  • What do you want to do?
  • I'm hungry. I'd like to eat something.
  • Where do you want to go?
  • I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant.
  • What kind of Italian food do you like?
  • I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti?
  • No, I don't, but I like pizza.
  • David, would you like something to eat?
  • No, I'm full.
  • Do you want something to drink?
  • Yes, I'd like some coffee.
  • Sorry, I don't have any coffee.
  • That's OK. I'll have a glass of water.
  • A small glass, or a big one?
  • Small please.
  • Here you are.
  • Thanks.
  • You're welcome.
  •  Lesson 7: THAT’S TOO LATE!
  • Mary, would you like to get something to eat with me?
  • OK. When?
  • At 10 O'clock.
  • 10 in the morning?
  • No, at night.
  • Sorry, that's too late. I usually go to bed around 10:00PM.
  • OK, how about 1:30 PM?
  • No, that's too early. I'll still be at work then.
  • How about 5:00PM?
  • That's fine.
  • OK, see you then.
  • Alright. Bye.
  • Jennifer, would you like to have dinner with me?
  • Yes. That would be nice. When do you want to go?
  • Is today OK?
  • Sorry, I can't go today.
  • How about tomorrow night?
  • Ok. What time?
  • Is 9:00PM all right?
  • I think that's too late.
  • Is 6:00PM OK?
  • Yes, that's good. Where would you like to go?
  • The Italian restaurant on 5th street.
  • Oh, I don't like that Restaurant. I don't want to go there.
  • How about the Korean restaurant next to it?
  • OK, I like that place.
  •  Lesson 9: WHEN DO YOU WANT TO GO?
  • Hi Mark.
  • Hi.
  • What are you planning to do today?
  • I'm not sure yet.
  • Would you like to have lunch with me?
  • Yes. When?
  • Is 11:30AM OK?
  • Sorry, I didn't hear you. Can you say that again please?
  • I said, 11:30AM.
  • Oh, I'm busy then. Can we meet a little later?
  • OK, how about 12:30PM?
  • OK. Where?
  • How about Bill's Seafood Restaurant?
  • Oh, Where is that?
  • It's on 7th Street.
  • OK, I'll meet you there.
  •  Lesson 10: ORDERING FOOD
  • Hello sir, welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many?
  • One.
  • Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waitress will be with you in a moment.
  • Hello sir, would you like to order now?
  • Yes please.
  • What would you like to drink?
  • What do you have?
  • We have bottled water, juice, and Coke.
  • I'll have a bottle of water please.
  • What would you like to eat?
  • I'll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup.
  •  Lesson 11: NOW OR LATER?
  • Chris, where are you going?
  • I'm going to the store. I need to buy something.
  • Really? I need to go to the store too.
  • Would you like to come with me?
  • Yeah, let's go together.
  • Would you like to go now or later?
  • Now.
  • What?
  • Now would be better.
  • OK, let's go.
  • Should we walk?
  • No, it's too far. Let's drive.
  • Laura, what are you going to do today?
  • I'm going shopping.
  • What time are you leaving?
  • I'm going to leave around 4 o'clock.
  • Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store?
  • OK.
  • Do you have enough money?
  • I'm not sure.
  • How much do you have?
  • 25 dollars. Do you think that's enough?
  • That's not very much.
  • I think it's OK. I also have two credit cards.
  • Let me give you another ten dollars.
  • Thanks. See you later.
  • Bye.
  •  Lesson 13: HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?
  • Hello Richard.
  • Hi Karen. How have you been?
  • Not too good.
  • Why?
  • I'm sick.
  • Sorry to hear that.
  • It’s OK. It’s not serious.
  • That's good. How's your wife?
  • She's good.
  • Is she in America now?
  • No, she's not here yet.
  • Where is she?
  • She's in Canada with our kids.
  • I see. I have to go now. Please tell your wife I said hi.
  • OK, I'll talk to you later.
  • I hope you feel better.
  • Robert, this is my friend, Mrs. Smith.
  • Hi, Nice to meet you.
  • Nice to meet you too.
  • Mrs. Smith, what do you do for work?
  • I'm a doctor.
  • Oh. Where do you work?
  • New York University hospital in New York City. What do you do?
  • I'm a teacher.
  • What do you teach?
  • I teach English.
  • Where?
  • At a high school in New Jersey.
  • That's nice. How old are you?
  • I'm 32.
  •  Lesson 15: BUYING A SHIRT
  • Excuse me.
  • Hello sir, may I help you?
  • Yes. Can I see that shirt on the top shelf please?
  • Sure. Here it is.
  • How much does it cost?
  • 50 dollars.
  • 50 dollars. That's too much.
  • How about this one? It's on sale for only 35 dollars.
  • I don't like that one.
  • How about the one next to the black gloves? It's very similar to the one you like.
  • That's nice. How much is it?
  • 30 dollars.
  • That'll be fine.
  • Is this color OK, or would you like a different color?
  • That blue one's fine.
  • Do you need any more of these shirts?
  • Yes.
  • How many do you want?
  • I'll take two more, a red one and a white one.
  • Excuse me, I'm looking for the Holiday Inn. Do you know where it is?
  • Sure. It's down this street on the left.
  • Is it far from here?
  • No, it's not far.
  • How far is it?
  • About a mile and a half.
  • How long does it take to get there?
  • 5 minutes or so.
  • Is it close to the subway station?
  • Yes, it's very close. The subway station is next to the hotel. You can walk there.
  • Thanks a lot.
  •  Lesson 17: DO YOU KNOW THE ADDRESS?
  • Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the mall?
  • Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, then turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.
  • Do you know the address?
  • Yes, the address is 541 Main street.
  • Can you write it down for me please?
  • No problem.
  • Is it faster if I take Highland avenue?
  • No, that way is longer. There are more stop lights on that street.
  • I think you're right. Thank you.
  •  Lesson 18: VACATION TO CANADA
  • What's today's date?
  • It's July 5th.
  • When are you going on vacation?
  • I'm leaving on Sunday. We're going to Canada.
  • Really? The day after tomorrow? That's very soon.
  • Yeah I know.
  • How long are you going to stay there?
  • About 2 weeks.
  • When are you coming back?
  • I'm coming back on the 17th.
  • Alright. Have a nice trip.
  •  Lesson 19: WHO IS THAT WOMAN?
  • Joseph, who is that woman?
  • That's Susan.
  • What does she do for work?
  • She's a lawyer.
  • Is she American?
  • No, but she speaks English fluently.
  • She's really tall. Do you know her?
  • Yes, I know her. We're friends.
  • Who's that man standing next to her?
  • Which man?
  • That short guy on her right. What's his name?
  • Oh, that's Matt.
  • He's really good looking.
  • Yeah.
  • Do you know him?
  • I don't know him, but I think my sister does.
  • Is he married?
  • Yes, he's married.
  • I remember now. I met him before.
  •  Lesson 20: COMMON QUESTIONS
  • Brian, do you know how to speak English?
  • Yes.
  • Where did you learn?
  • I learned in college.
  • You speak really well.
  • Thank you.
  • How long have you been in the US?
  • 3 weeks.
  • Is your wife with you?
  • Yes, she just got here yesterday.
  • Have you been to California before?
  • No. I've never been there.
  • Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
  • Yes. I went there once on a business trip.
  • Jeff, I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want to come with me?
  • I think the supermarket is closed now.
  • Oh, When does it close?
  • It closes at 7:00 on Sundays.
  • That's too bad.
  • Don't worry, we can go tomorrow morning. It opens at 8:00.
  • Alright. What do you want to do now?
  • Lets take a walk for a half an hour. My sister will get here at about 8:30PM and then we can all go out to dinner.
  • Where does she live?
  • She lives in San Francisco.
  • How long has she lived there?
  • I think she's lived there for about 10 years.
  • That's a long time. Where did she live before that?
  • San Diego.
  • Charles, do you have any children?
  • Yes.
  • How many children do you have?
  • I have two kids. A boy and a girl.
  • What are their names?
  • Jack and Stephanie.
  • How old are they?
  • Stephanie is 18 and Jack is 24.
  • Are they in school?
  • Stephanie is. She goes to college in Washington and Jack works in Florida.
  • What does Stephanie study?
  • She studies English.
  • Is she here now?
  • No, she's at school.
  • William, do you like studying English?
  • I like studying English, and I can read well, but speaking can be difficult.
  • It's not that bad. If you talk to your American friends every day, you'll learn quickly.
  • Can I ask you a question?
  • Sure, what do you want to know?
  • I have my book from class here. How do you say this word?
  • ‘Laptop ‘
  • Sorry, I don't understand. What does that mean?
  • A laptop is a type of computer that you can carry with you. Do you understand?
  • Yes, I think so. Can you say it again?
  • ‘Laptop’.
  • ‘Laptop’. Did I pronounce that correctly?
  • Yes, that's right. That's very good.
  • Thanks. And this word? How do you pronounce this?
  • That word is pronounced ‘kitchen’.
  • Thanks so much. You're a good teacher.
  • Thanks.
  •  Lesson 24: I LOST MY WALLET
  • Hey, How's it going?
  • Not good. I lost my wallet.
  • Oh, that's too bad. Was it stolen?
  • No, I think it came out of my pocket when I was in the taxi.
  • Is there anything I can do?
  • Can I borrow some money?
  • Sure, how much do you need?
  • About 50 dollars.
  • That's no problem.
  • Thanks. I'll pay you back on Friday.
  • That'll be fine. Here you are.
  • What are you going to do now?
  • I'm going to buy some books and then I'm going to the gas station.
  • If you wait a minute I can go with you.
  • OK. I'll wait for you.
  •  Lesson 25: PHONE CALL AT WORK
  • Hello?
  • Hi, is James there please?
  • Yes. Who's calling?
  • Linda.
  • One moment please.
  • OK.
  • Hello?
  • Hi James, it's Linda.
  • Hi Linda.
  • What are you doing now?
  • I'm working.
  • Are you busy?
  • Yes. It's been really busy here all day.
  • What time do you get off (of) work?
  • 8:30PM
  • I'll call you back after 8:30PM
  • OK. Talk to you later.
  • Bye bye.
  •  Lesson 26: FAMILY TRIP
  • David, what have you been up to lately?
  • I went on a trip with my family last week.
  • Really? Where did you go?
  • We went to Europe.
  • What cities did you go to?
  • London, Paris and a few other smaller cities.
  • Did you go to Berlin?
  • No, We didn't go there. I'd like to go there next time.
  • I think the summer is a good time to visit Berlin. It's a beautiful place and the people there are very nice.
  • That's what I've heard.
  • I went there last year. If you want, I can give you some information I have about the city.
  • Thanks.
  •  Lesson 27: I WENT SHOPPING
  • Sarah, what did you do today?
  • I went shopping.
  • Did you buy anything?
  • Yes, I bought a few things.
  • What did you buy?
  • I bought this coat. Do you like it?
  • Yeah, I like it a lot. It's very pretty. Where did you buy it?
  • At the mall on 5th street.
  • Was it expensive?
  • No, it wasn't expensive. It was on sale for 20 dollars.
  • That's cheap.
  • I know. It was a really good deal.
  • I don't think you'll need to wear it for a while. It's been really hot lately.
  • Paul, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
  • All kinds, but mostly Pop, rock and classical. Why?
  • I have tickets to a show. Do you want to go with me?
  • What kind of music is it?
  • Pop. It's Mariah Carey.
  • When is it?
  • At 8PM tomorrow night.
  • Yeah, I'd like to go. Do you think we should have dinner first?
  • Yes, that's a good idea.
  • Let's eat at the restaurant across the street from my apartment.
  • Oh, I think I know the place you mean. We ate there last month, right?
  • Yes, that's right. You have a good memory.
  •  Lesson 29: GOING TO THE LIBRARY
  • Lisa, would you like to go to the library with me?
  • OK. Do you think we can go buy a newspaper first?
  • Sure. First we'll go buy a newspaper and then we'll go to the library.
  • Are we going to walk or drive?
  • The weather is really nice today. Let's walk.
  • The weather is good now, but I think it's suppose to rain this afternoon.
  • Alright, then let's take an umbrella. Is your brother coming with us?
  • No, he's still sleeping.
  • Wow, it's already 10:00AM. He must have been up late last night.
  • Yeah, he didn't come home until 12:00AM.
  • I hope he can come later.
  • I hope so too. I'll give him a call when we get there.
  • How do we get to the library from here?
  • It's straight down this road on the left, next to the museum. It takes about 10 minutes.
  • Hi Melissa, are you going home this weekend?
  • No, not this weekend. I have too much work to do.
  • Where do your parents live?
  • My father lives in Washington DC.
  • How about your mother?
  • My mother died two years ago.
  • Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Is your father still working?
  • No, he's retired.
  • Do you have any family here?
  • Yes, two of my cousins live here and my aunt and uncle live about 30 miles from here.
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Yes, I have two brothers who live in New York and a sister who lives in Boston.
  • Do you see them a lot?
  • Not as much as I'd like to. Usually just on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • I can't find my glasses & I can't see anything. Can you help me find a few things?
  • No problem. What are you looking for?
  • My laptop, do you see it?
  • Yes, your laptop is on the chair.
  • Where's my book?
  • Which one?
  • The dictionary.
  • It's under the table.
  • Where's my pencil?
  • There's a pencil in front of the lamp.
  • That's not a pencil. That's a pen.
  • Oh, sorry. There is a pencil behind the cup.
  • How about my backpack? Do you know where that is?
  • It's in between the wall and the bed.
  • Where are my shoes?
  • They're on the left side of the TV.
  • I don't see them.
  • Sorry, I made a mistake. They're on the right side of the TV.
  • Thanks.
  • Oh, and here are your glasses. They were next to your cell phone.
  •  Lesson 32: PAYING FOR DINNER
  • Excuse me. Check please.
  • OK, how was everything?
  • Very nice. Thank you.
  • Would you like this to-go?
  • Yes, can you put it in a plastic bag?
  • Sure, no problem. Here you are. That'll be 25 dollars.
  • Do you take credit cards?
  • Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard.
  • OK, here you are.
  • Thanks. I'll be right back.
  • OK.
  • Here's your receipt.
  • Thank you.
  • You're welcome. Please come again.
  • Next please. Hello. How can I help you?
  • I'd like to buy a ticket to New York.
  • Would you like one way or round trip?
  • Round trip.
  • When will you be leaving?
  • When does the next plane leave?
  • In about 2 hours.
  • I'd like a ticket for that flight please.
  • First class or coach?
  • Coach. OK, let me check availability. I'm sorry. Tickets for that flight are sold out.
  • How about the one after that?
  • Let me see. Yes, that one still has seats available. Would you like me to reserve a seat for you?
  • Yes, please.
  • That'll be 120 dollars.
  • OK.
  • Thank you, here's your change.
  • Michelle, Can you help me clean things up before we go?
  • Sure. Where should I put this cup?
  • Which cup?
  • The red one.
  • Put it on top of the table.
  • How about this fruit?
  • Oh, that goes in the refrigerator.
  • And those pencils? What should I do with them?
  • Bring those upstairs and put them in the bedroom.
  • How about this pen?
  • Give it to me. I need to use it.
  • What do you want me to do with that paper over there?
  • You can throw that away. I don't need it anymore.
  • The trash is full.
  • Alright, then please put it in a bag and take it outside.
  • OK. Now what?
  • I think we're finished. Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door?
  • Sure.
  •  Lesson 35 – AT THE RESTAURANT
  • This looks like a nice restaurant.
  • Yeah, it is. I come here all the time.
  • Let’s sit over there.
  • OK.
  • Can you pass me a menu please.
  • Sure. What are you going to have to drink?
  • I’m going to have a glass of beer. How about you?
  • I think I’ll have a glass of wine.
  • Do you want to order an appetizer first?
  • Not really, maybe we can just order some bread.
  • OK. What are you going to have to eat?
  • I’m not sure. I haven’t decided yet. Can you recommend something?
  • Sure, I’ve had the steak and the lobster before. They’re both very good.
  • I think I’ll have the lobster. What are you going to have?
  • I’m not that hungry. I think I’m just going to have a salad.
  • I’m gonna go to the bathroom. When the waitress comes back, will you order for me?
  • Sure. No problem.
  •  Lesson 36: I NEED TO DO LAUNDRY
  • Hi Anna, come in.
  • Wow, your apartment is a mess.
  • I know, I didn’t have time to put things away before you got here.
  • Look! Are those all your clothes on the couch?
  • Yes.
  • Are they clean?
  • Actually most of them are dirty. I haven’t done laundry in a while. I usually wait until I can do it at my parent’s house.
  • My sister and I usually go to the laundromat down the street. Why don’t you go there?
  • I know I should, but that place isn’t very convenient. You have to wait for a long time.
  • Yes I know. I have to do it every week. Anyway, are you ready to go?
  • No I’m not ready yet. I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can you wait for a few minutes?
  • OK, but please hurry. I think the restaurant is closing soon.
  • Pam, where’s the closest ATM?
  • It’s not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?
  • The big one or the small one?
  • The big one.
  • Yes.
  • It’s right next to it, on the right.
  • Do you know if there’s a convenience store around here?
  • I don’t think there’s one around here. The closest one is on 3rd street, but that’s probably closed now.
  • I really need to get some things before I leave.
  • Well, you could go down to 22nd street. There are lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day.
  • Can I take the subway to get there?
  • Yes, but that’ll probably take about half an hour. You should just take a cab.
  • Won’t that be expensive?
  • No, from here I think it’s only about 5 dollars.
  • Professor, where’s Canada?
  • Canada is north of here.
  • Can you show me on the map?
  • Sure. Look here.Canada is north of the United States.
  • Oh, I see. Where’s Mexico?
  • Mexico is south of the United States.
  • How about Connecticut? Where’s that?
  • Connecticut is east of New York.
  • What state is west of Pennsylvania?
  • Ohio.
  • OK, Where’s Los Angeles?
  • Los Angeles is in California. It’s southeast of San Francisco.
  • Where’s Boston.
  • Boston is in the northeast part of the country.
  • Where is Las Vegas?
  • Las Vegas is in the southwest.
  •  Lesson 39: I ATE AT THE HOTEL
  • Hi Maria, did you have breakfast yet?
  • Yes, I ate at the hotel with my son and my husband.
  • Oh, they have good food there. What did you have?
  • I had some cereal, fried eggs and orange juice.
  • How was it?
  • The food didn’t taste very good, and actually I don’t feel very well now.
  • That’s too bad. Do you want to take a break?
  • No, I’m going to go back to the hotel at lunch time to lie down.
  • OK. I’m going to the drug store later. Is there anything I can get for you?
  • No, that’s OK. I think if I rest for a little while, I’ll feel better.
  •  Lesson 40: GOING TO THE MOVIES
  • Ann, what do you want to do tonight?
  • I’d like to go see a movie.
  • I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater.
  • Oh, I’ve heard that’s a good movie. What time does it start?
  • 6:30PM. It’s a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.
  • Will you come and pick me up?
  • What time?
  • I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00PM OK?
  • Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll meet you at your house at 5:00PM.
  • Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?
  • I’m not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.
  • I don’t like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.
  • OK then, I’ll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?
  • Yes, I like that place.
  • How do you like the food?
  • It tastes really great. Did you cook it?
  • Yes. I made it this afternoon. Would you like some more?
  • OK, just a little though. I’m really full.
  • Oh. Would you like some soup instead?
  • What kind is it?
  • Tomato and rice. Have you had that before?
  • No. This is my first time. How does it taste?
  • It’s good, try it. What do you think?
  • Wow. It is good. Did you make that also?
  • Yes.
  • You’re a really good cook.
  • Thanks, next time I’ll make chicken soup for us.
  • That sounds good. Did you study cooking in school?
  • No, I learned by myself. I have a good cook book that I read when I have time.
  • Kelly, will you help me take these things to the car?
  • OK, which car do you want me to put them in?
  • Bring them to my wife’s car.
  • Which one is hers?
  • The blue SUV in front of the Honda.
  • What should I take first?
  • That chair over there, but please be careful with it. It was a gift from my mother-in-law.
  • Don’t worry, I won’t drop it. Wow, it’s really heavy. I don’t think I can move it by myself.
  • Let me help you with that. I don’t want you to hurt your back.
  • Where are you taking all this stuff?
  • Didn’t I tell you? We’re moving to Florida?
  • You’re moving now? I knew you were moving, but I thought you said you were moving next month.
  • Yes, that’s true, but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away.
  •  Lesson 43: VISITING FAMILY
  • Judy, your husband has a really nice car.
  • Thanks. It’s a lot better than mine, and it’s new.
  • Where are you going?
  • We’re going to visit my sister in the city.
  • I didn’t know your sister lives in the city, when did she move there?
  • About a year ago. She lives in an apartment on 3rd street, across from the public library.
  • I see. It’s almost 5:00 PM now, don’t you think there will be a lot of traffic?
  • Oh, we’re not driving. We’re going to take the subway. The subway only takes about 20 minutes.
  • Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.
  • I take the subway to work everyday, so I’m used to it now.
  • Doesn’t your mother live in the city?
  • Yes, she’s lived there for about ten years.
  • I remember when she moved there. Apartments were a lot cheaper then.
  • I know what you mean. It’s hard to find anything that’s reasonable now.
  • Have a good time. Next time you’re free, give me a call and we’ll go play poker.
  • See you later.
  • Jim, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right?
  • Yeah, I just got back this morning.
  • That sounds really nice. What did you do there?
  • Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn’t do too much. We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times. At night we walked around the city with some friends.
  • Did you take any pictures?
  • Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?
  • Sure, I love looking at photos.
  • This one is of my wife and me on the beach, and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife.
  • Your daughter looks like her mother.
  • I know, they look very similar.
  • Where was this picture taken?
  • That was taken at the train station before we left.
  • Did you have time to go to the zoo?
  • No, not this time. We went there last time.
  • It looks like you all had a nice time.
  • Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
  •  Lesson 45: ORDERING FLOWERS
  • Good afternoon, how may I help you?
  • Hi, I’d like to order some flowers.
  • Who are they for?
  • They’re for my Wife. Her name is Samantha.
  • What kind of flowers would you like?
  • I don’t know. I don’t know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something?
  • OK. What’s the reason you are sending her flowers?
  • Today’s her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers.
  • Do you know what kind of flowers she likes?
  • I’m not sure. I know I should know that, but I can’t remember right now.
  • Well, they’re for your wife, so I think you should give her roses.
  • Roses will be fine.
  • What color?
  • I think red would be nice.
  • Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them?
  • Can you deliver them please?
  • What’s the address?
  • 241 Main street.
  • Alright, they’ll be there within 2 hours.
  •  Lesson 46: LEAVING A MESSAGE
  • Hello?
  • Hi, is Heather there please?
  • Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.
  • Is this 617-228-2289?
  • Yes. Who are you looking for again?
  • Heather Johnson.
  • Oh, I thought you said Laura. Sorry about that. This is the right number, but Heather’s not here right now.
  • Do you know where she went?
  • She went to the store to buy some groceries. Would you like to leave a message?
  • Yes, would you please tell her Eric Martin called?
  • Hi Eric, this is her roommate Kathy. I met you a couple months ago at the Christmas party.
  • Oh, yes. How are you?
  • Good. Heather will be back in about 20 minutes. I’ll tell her you called.
  • OK. Thanks.
  • Bye bye.
  • Hello?
  • Hi Tina, It’s Joe.
  • Hi Joe.
  • How’s the weather there today?
  • It’s really cold. It snowed all day and the schools closed early.
  • What’s the temperature?
  • It’s 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning.
  • Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?
  • I was watching the news a little earlier. They said it’s probably going to snow tomorrow.
  • I really don’t like the winter. I wish it were summer.
  • Me too. How’s the weather where you are?
  • It’s not too bad, but it’s pretty cold here too. It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon. I heard it’s going to be a little warmer tomorrow.
  •  Lesson 48: MAKING PLANS
  • It’s almost Christmas. What are you doing this weekend?
  • Nothing special, just working. Why do you ask?
  • Well, I still haven’t finished my Christmas shopping. Do you want to go shopping with me this weekend?
  • I’d like to, but I’m not sure if I can. Work has been really busy lately. Why don’t we go on Friday instead?
  • Friday’s not good. I think the stores will be very crowded and I have to work.
  • OK, then let’s try to go this weekend. I should know if I can go by Friday. Is it OK if I call you then?
  • Yeah, that’s fine.
  • What’s your number?
  • 233-331-8828. Let me give you my email address too. It’s sara@gmail.com
  • OK, I’ll talk to you soon.
  • OK.
  •  Lesson 49: MEETING A FRIEND
  • Hello?
  • Hi Vicky.
  • Are you there yet?
  • Yes.
  • I just got off the subway. I’m almost there. Sorry I’m late.
  • That’s no problem. I just wanted to tell you I’m inside.
  • Where are you?
  • On the second floor.
  • Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor?
  • Come upstairs.
  • What?
  • Oh, Can you hear me OK? I said, come to the second floor.
  • Oh, OK. What are you doing there?
  • Just looking at some books on how to learn English.
  • Do you want to get something to eat later?
  • No, I’m still full from dinner.
  • What do you want to do?
  • I don’t know for sure. When you get here we’ll talk about it.
  • OK, see you soon.
  • Bye.
  •  Lesson 50: I’M A STUDENT
  • Craig, what do you do for work?
  • I’m still a student.
  • What school do you go to?
  • BostonUniversity.
  • That’s a good school. What do you study?
  • I’m studying english, math, and history. My major is english.
  • How long have you been studying english?
  • More than six years.
  • That’s a long time.
  • Yeah, I started to learn english when I was in high school.
  • No wonder your english is so good.
  • Actually, it’s not that good. I can read but I can’t speak very well. I haven’t had a lot of chance to practice.
  • I see. Talking with other people is very important.
  • Yes, but I still don’t have many friends here yet.
  • I’m having a party tonight at my apartment. You should come.
  • Oh thanks for inviting me. I’d love to come.

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